Wednesday, 3 June 2015

What is Hydraulic Accumulator ?

Hydraulic Accumulator is a device which is used to accumulate or store pressure energy of a fluid. This energy may be supplied at a later stage to drive a machine tool for any sudden and intermittent operation just like Lifting Load, Hydraulic  Crane etc.
Fig shows Simple Type Accumulator
 Basically Accumulater acts like a flywheel. It stores energy when there is need of energy and supplies it when there is shortage.

For Example in case of hydraulic crane a large amount of energy is needed to lift a load when the crane moves up. This energy is supplied by Hydraulic Accumulator.

However when the load moves downwards, no large external energy is required at that time, now the energy of pump is stored in the accumulator.

Above figure shows Dead Weight of Gravity type Simple Accumulator,  in this type of accumulator force is applied by using weight. Concrete block, steel plates may be used to provide the required weight.

The System consist of a Hydraulic Cylinder, RAM which reciprocates inside the Cylinder.On the top of the RAM , weight is placed as per requirement.

As the fluid enter into the cylinder, weight gets raised. The Potential energy of system is increased. This Potential energy is released at the time of lowering the weight giving discharge of fluid.

Capacity of Accumulator  =  Workdone in lifting the RAM
                                             = P*A*L

P = pressure in the cylinder,
A = Area of Sliding RAM,
L = Length of Stroke

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